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Cammini della Regina

Percorsi storici da Coira a Como

The itineraries known as Cammini della Regina or the Queen Trails, represent the driving axis between north and south through three historic Lombard roads: Via Spluga,  Via Francisca and Via Regina (also known as Strada Regina).

Besides the waterway of the Lario river, the Cammini della Regina comprise the backbone of a territory full of varied landscapes, marked by historic, geographical and cultural links of the transalpine world, and at the same time towards the Po Valley down south.

Its itineraries untangle along ancient trails and localities of rare beauty that you will discover and appreciate. They are suitable for either people who is interested in the spiritual side of it and whoever wishes to appreciate its historic heritage and scenery.

Find out more about the 3 trails that make part of the Cammini della Regina itinerary:

Coira and the historic Spluga road

Via Francisca

Ancient Via Regina

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La Strada Cluniacense della Franciacorta

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Via Francisca

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La Via Regina

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La Via Regina

Cammini della Regina

Percorsi storici da Coira a Como
  • Religious Tourism
Camini della Regina, religious itineraries from Coira to Como

The via Francigena

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The via Francigena

Medieval cookery at the Abbazia di Morimondo

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Gastronomic experiences at the Abbazia di Morimondo

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Churches Como, a guide to Lombardy