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From the metropolis to the province: Milan's top 10 monumental trees

The Lombardy capital has, over the centuries, always played a central political and cultural role.


Within the city limits, but also in the surrounding flat farmlands, noble families had splendid mansions built, which were almost always flanked by scenic parks. These green spaces are now home to very special centuries-old plants. In the heart of Milan, there are public gardens of absolute value, not only for their arboreal and artistic richness, but also for their ability to offer a relaxing place to escape the hectic pace of the city. Two fantastic examples are the Indro Montanelli Gardens and Parco Sempione, true natural oases also suitable for outdoor sports.

The undisputed protagonists of urban greenery are the large plane trees that, often with majestic dimensions, keep the inhabitants company in every area. However, it is also easy to find unusual ornamental species from other continents. Sometimes monumental trees grow between streets and buildings, outside parks, becoming symbolic landmarks of an entire neighbourhood. In any case, despite being located in the most densely urbanised area in Italy, there are absolutely numerous large trees that can be encountered; getting to know them can help to better understand the historical and cultural reality of Milan and its province.

(Ph: youparti)
Take me here: From the metropolis to the province: Milan's top 10 monumental trees

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