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By bike through the streets of Lodi

Discovering the Liberty style on two wheels
  • Cycle Tourism
By bike through the streets of Lodi

8 summer festivals not to be missed

Festivals that reveal a region rich with tradition and plenty of tasty treats!
  • Food & Wine
Sagra di San Giovanni - Ossuccio - Isola Comacina

Picnic time in Lombardy

Sunshine, warmth, green grass and a delicious spread: it's the perfect time for a picnic in Lombardy
  • Lifestyle
Picnic time in Lombardy

History of Lodi

  • Villages
History of Lodi

Cult City #inLombardia

11 Cities of Art just waiting to be discovered, one after the other, which look to the future while proudly preserving stunning heritage.
  • Art & Culture
Cult City #inLombardia

More than just cows

Everything you need to know about the Baronchelli dairy farm. A trip to Lodi to discover what's behind the milk we drink
  • Art & Culture
More than just cows

Summer at the park

Swimming pools, attractions, shows, adventure, sport: enjoy summer in Lombardy’s most beautiful amusement parks
  • Lifestyle
Summer at the park

Lodi, invitation to court

Scenes of court life in the majestic Castle of Sant'Angelo Lodigiano that dominates the plain with an unequaled past
  • Art & Culture
Lodi, invitation to court